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Model for development of ransgenic/knockout models, large number of unmyelinated axons in lumbar motor roots.

AKR Mouse

Atherosclerotic model, cancer research, metabolic research, diet-induced obesity.

Athymic Nude Mouse

Model for tumor biology and xenograft research. The animal lacks a thymus, is unable to produce T cells, and is therefore immunodeficient.

C57 Mouse

General multipurpose model, diet-induced obesity, transgenic/knockout model development, safety and efficacy testing, immunology.

CBA Mouse

Research applications include brain development, neurochemistry and behavioural studies

BALB/c Nude Mouse

Model for tumor biology and xenograft research.

BALB/c Mouse

General multipurpose model, hybridoma development, monoclonal antibody production, infectious diseases.

CD-1® Mouse

General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, pseudopregnancy, surgical model.

Fox Chase CB17™ Mouse

Control for SCID mice.

FVB Mouse

Transgenic/knockout model development.

DBA/2 Mouse

Safety and efficacy testing, immunology, audiogenic seizures.

GLUT 4 Mouse

Model for a wide range of diabetes studies.

HSD11B1 Mouse

Cortisone regulation model.

General multipurpose model, behavioral research,diet-induced obesity

Genetic mapping, respiratory inflammation, immunological dysfunction, aging, transplantation research.

Model for type 2 diabetes*, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, obesity, hyperinsulinemia

General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, nutrition, diet-induced obesity, oncology, surgical model










General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, oncology, surgical model

Wistar Wu Rat

General multipurpose model, infectious disease research, safety and efficacy testing, aging.

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