Scientific Equipment & Supplies
Model for development of ransgenic/knockout models, large number of unmyelinated axons in lumbar motor roots.
Athymic Nude Mouse
Model for tumor biology and xenograft research. The animal lacks a thymus, is unable to produce T cells, and is therefore immunodeficient.
C57 Mouse
General multipurpose model, diet-induced obesity, transgenic/knockout model development, safety and efficacy testing, immunology.
Fox Chase CB17™ Mouse
Control for SCID mice.
Genetic mapping, respiratory inflammation, immunological dysfunction, aging, transplantation research.
Model for type 2 diabetes*, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, obesity, hyperinsulinemia
General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, nutrition, diet-induced obesity, oncology, surgical model
General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, oncology, surgical model