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ILPEN is proudly supporting the Israeli scientific community with high-quality equipment, support and maintenance since 1979.

Our Vision

Our vision is to enhance and fortify ILPEN as a leader in providing high quality diversified solutions to the Israeli research community.
We take great pride in being a small brick in the innovative and imporant life-saving research that continuosly happens within the Israeli advanced research organizations.

Company Profile

ILPEN is the exclusive representative in Israel of first line firms active in laboratorical equipment such as:

  • Lab Products

  • Charles River Laboratories

  • Pentair/Aquatic Habitats

  • Altromin

  • Phileas

  • Plas Labs

  • Ketchum

  • TBJ

ILPEN is a key player in the Israeli Animal Houses market covering the vast majority of customers and relevant organization on a constant basis.


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